Thank you for visiting my website.
The site is and will probably always be in some state of construction/ modification - much like life. I'll make an effort to present you with some visual content as soon as possible. Video content from my archives will be added as server space and funding become available. This initial site was built using only the 1 and 1 online tools and will probably be converted to use frontpage extensions soon...
Note that all content available at this URL is the sole property of M.W. Herberth unless otherwise indicated. All content available at this URL is covered and protected by U.S. and International Copyright, Registration & other applicable Laws and Regulations.
Copyright©1998-2004 Michael W. Herberth. All Rights Reserved.
Opinions, anecdotes and other content are those of the site owner and do not reflect those of any other entity unless SPECIFICALLY noted and/or credited. See Content Disclaimer on Home page.
ays (kane) - What else could I do but wait?